Tuesday 25 January 2011

the long way home...

Just popping in briefly before we start on our journey home.
I've had a lot to write about these past few weeks, but being up here in Queensland with so much devastation around the state, my words have just seemed trivial. My heart goes out to all those who have been affected by the floods. I just can't begin to fathom their loss & hardship.
Our time up here has come to an end & now begins our journey home. We're driving down the east coast in our 1975 station wagon with our 1978 caravan in tow, I'm sure we'll be a sight to be seen. It will be a slow journey, taking it easy & staying in national parks along the way.
I look forward to arriving home & sharing with you our journey.
Have a fantastic week!


Kate said...

Sounds like a wonderful adventure!
I wish you would pass by here so I could wave and offer you a cuppa and a bikkie. Drive safe. X

Little Paper Trees said...

have a safe trip!

Running Thread said...

Safe travels.