today on the cards...
Today I'm in the studio, with lots of folding & trimming to be done. Some books will be made this afternoon. I'm getting ready for my first day at the rose st markets on the 13th of september. I have been so busy with other work, I just haven't found the time to do any binding. So next week I have dedicated a whole 3 days to the studio, hopefully there will be no interuptions.
On another update, I went along to the craft victoria seminar yesterday. It was a series of lectures about turning your craft into your career & it was seriously the best $35 I have ever spent. So informative & inspiring, I really did learn a hell of alot.
Wish I'd gone to that seminar, sounds good.
Missed ya at Brown Owls last Monday :(
May your studio days be fruitful. Good on you Kitty.
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