... I read.
The season is rather wet at the moment & instead of getting angsty & upset as I usually would, I'm taking the zen approach & letting myself accept it. This involves much time curled on the couch, in front of a warm fire, with a book or magazine in hand. Here's two I'm devouring at the moment & I've just stocked up on three mags for the weekend. Apparently there will be thunderstorms & hail. Perfect weather for reading... ooh & baking, I'm dying to make chocolate slice & some banana bread.
A friend's daughter is having her first birthday next weekend, so I must get some sewing in too. I think I'll make her a couple of these skirts... too cute. & maybe a softie for good measure.
Well, that's my weekend cut out for me. What about yours?

A friend's daughter is having her first birthday next weekend, so I must get some sewing in too. I think I'll make her a couple of these skirts... too cute. & maybe a softie for good measure.
Well, that's my weekend cut out for me. What about yours?
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
are you loving handmade home??/ I am! great book, love it! suddenly my linen cupboard is looking so enticing!
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