Well, the sling has officially been ditched & I'm easing my way back to some form of normality. Rather than sloth-ing about all day, I'm now allowed to use my arm in a mild & gentle manner. It's not very strong of course, but a bit of physio over the next month should make it true again.
In the meantime, I'll be attempting some gardening chores. Yesterday saw us out in the paddock in what will soon be our magnificent vegie patch. While Samuel is ploughing up the ground, I'm tending to the fence. The dog wire has been nailed to the posts & is waiting to be cladded.
See the big piles of sticks around me, they're going to be wired in for a rough & rustic look. All up so far the fence has cost us a mere $2. That was the price for 20 metres of dog wire, which we picked up at the tip. Bargain.
Minor hurdles always pop up when you're trying to achieve such things though. Such as the 100 year old driveway we discovered, hidden under a layer of grass & soil. At the turn of the 1900's there was a small school on this land & what a lovely bluestone driveway they must have had. We had always wondered how there came to be a huge pile of bluestone in the paddock. Most of it must have already been dug up.
Samuel had decided to plough by hand... perhaps he is now regretting this decision. Maybe we should hire the dingo after all.
i'm not sure that i would call hammering 'mild and gentle work' but go you, bet you're happy to have it off! can't wait to see all the veggies sown in your huge patch
Hey Kitty,
I think that you and I are due on the same week! My Little Miss is due on the 12th of April, how about yours?
Hope all is going well, glad to hear your arm is free again,
Emma x
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