Monday 17 September 2012

a lovely list of loveliness...

It's a new day, a new week. An opportunity to clear the slate of last weeks crazy and to find fresh thoughts, exciting ideas and new-found patience.
I've written myself a little lovely list. A list of things that make life truly lovely. That lift you out of the mundane  and make those everyday moments beautiful.
Life with two little people can be exhausting and overwhelming, and before you know it you've tumbled into a mossy hole... or something like that... you know what I mean. (or maybe you don't... if not, please nod and smile)... moving on... 
The mossy hole isn't terribly bad. It's just a little damp, a lot mossy and well... a hole. 
The plan is for this list of lovely to lift me up. Lift us all up. 
I think it's high time that we be swinging from the blossom tree with the sweet scent of spring wafting in the breeze.
Here's the list...

:: pick flowers for the table
:: light a candle at mealtimes
:: look after me :: yoga and regular skincare
:: take a walk everyday (unless it hails again... call me a princess, but I don't do hailstorms!)
:: visit a nature reserve once a week :: go on a bushwalk
:: craft it up (seriously. I'm completely and utterly failing in the crafty stakes at the moment. MAKE something already woman!)

So that's it. 
Give me a few days and I'll be singing Billy Holiday with flowers in my hair.

Do you ever fall into mossy holes?
What do you do to lift yourself out?

Hooray for monday.
Have a lovely week, won't you.

top :: a thrifted baby cardigan (I'm not so secretly hoping she's having a girl.)
middle :: a few of my current reads :: the Kylie Kwong book is surprisingly good
bottom :: a sticky note found in the Kylie Kwong book :: the previous borrower felt they needed to add their two pennies


Zara said...

Yes sometimes it takes the little things to make all the difference. Flowers on the table are always a winner.
What do you think of the River Cottage bread book?

Anonymous said...

I just came back from a two week holiday and found all your posts with the most beautiful pictures! That made me smile!
I do fall into holes sometimes, and crafting, baking, cooking and taking pictures with my camera always helps. As does gettimg out and about, but it is so so difficult to get up and do it that when you are still IN the hole.
I am looking forward to the autumn here, though, with coloured leaves and fresh air, and I wish you an early spring start!
