Sunday, 17 August 2008

on being brave & other pressing matters

So, I get around the blogs alot. I have my favourites, my everyday reads. There are a few peeps out there in blogland that are a big inspiration to me. How they face their everyday, how they raise their children, how they are successfully doing their crafty thing & how they are just trying for a wonderful balance in their life.
One of these is justine from 62cherry. She posted the other day about doing one thing a day, over the period of a month... one thing a day that scares her. And boy, it rang true in my little ears. So over the next month, starting from tomorrow morning, I Kitty will do one thing each day that scares me. These things will come in a variety of forms, for I am quite a nervous one. Getting my bookbinding off its feet scares me, it's always nerve-wrecking getting your art/craft out there. Having the confidence to approach people is another scary thing I'll be working on. Sometimes I struggle with just calling people on the phone, let alone face to face. Which is quite hard when you're trying to build a business & plan a wedding & just pretty much most things.
What my plan is...
  1. to do one thing everyday, whether it be planned or moment specific
  2. post regular updates, to prove that I'm actually sticking to my guns
  3. & lastly, to keep it going after the month is up
Please feel free to join in. Over here is where it all began & she even has a button for the event.

In other pressing matters, the lovely steph & cam have both given me an award. Ladies I have not forgotten, I will recieve them graciously in a few posts time.


LBA said...

and meanwhile I am admiring your colour study there - just a pretty pic, or something on the cards ?

62cherry said...

you go girl!!!!
hey put signature quilt blocks on ya list!
yay for wedding plans xxx

Anonymous said...

I will check in and give some encouragement

CurlyPops said...

Oooohhhh definitely scary stuff.
I'll be following your progress too. Yah to you for having the guts to give it a go!

thunder road said...

You can do it! And love the colour study!

Geek+Nerd said...

What a wonderful idea! I am so the same about many things in my life, including the phone thing, I hate the phone! Maybe I should sign up. Good luck to you on your scary endeavors!

Lara said...

Mmmm totally with you on the phone thing! It's my least fav form of communication - esp with people I don't know. But... I've been forcing myself to do it a lot lately and it's become a lot less scary...