One of these is justine from 62cherry. She posted the other day about doing one thing a day, over the period of a month... one thing a day that scares her. And boy, it rang true in my little ears. So over the next month, starting from tomorrow morning, I Kitty will do one thing each day that scares me. These things will come in a variety of forms, for I am quite a nervous one. Getting my bookbinding off its feet scares me, it's always nerve-wrecking getting your art/craft out there. Having the confidence to approach people is another scary thing I'll be working on. Sometimes I struggle with just calling people on the phone, let alone face to face. Which is quite hard when you're trying to build a business & plan a wedding & just pretty much most things.
What my plan is...
- to do one thing everyday, whether it be planned or moment specific
- post regular updates, to prove that I'm actually sticking to my guns
- & lastly, to keep it going after the month is up
In other pressing matters, the lovely steph & cam have both given me an award. Ladies I have not forgotten, I will recieve them graciously in a few posts time.
and meanwhile I am admiring your colour study there - just a pretty pic, or something on the cards ?
you go girl!!!!
hey put signature quilt blocks on ya list!
yay for wedding plans xxx
I will check in and give some encouragement
Oooohhhh definitely scary stuff.
I'll be following your progress too. Yah to you for having the guts to give it a go!
You can do it! And love the colour study!
What a wonderful idea! I am so the same about many things in my life, including the phone thing, I hate the phone! Maybe I should sign up. Good luck to you on your scary endeavors!
Mmmm totally with you on the phone thing! It's my least fav form of communication - esp with people I don't know. But... I've been forcing myself to do it a lot lately and it's become a lot less scary...
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