Yep, I'm still here... no baby to show yet.
I've spent the last day or so recovering from the mother in law visiting. My goodness, it was very stressful. I'm very happy for it to be just me & the husband again. Peace & tranquility with no incessant nattering. I can't believe how much one person can talk! I felt like pulling out all my hair & screaming "SHUUUUUSH!!!!" at the top of my lungs. But alas, I did not. I just suffered in silence with a splitting headache pulsating through my little head.
Today I have energy again & I'm using it for a little cooking & crafting. My therapy session this morning was to make hot cross buns. I don't really celebrate religious holidays, I just use them as an excuse to cook all the yummy things that go along with them. Who can say no to homemade buns really. It was so nice to wake up to this little task, kneading the dough set me into a bit of a trance too.I've made spicy tomato & lentil soup for lunch & now I'm off to sew a little something in the studio. Not sure what yet... I'll fill you in later.
Hope you're all having a great good friday.