Friday 9 March 2012

I've decided to delete yesterdays video. I don't usually post such things on this blog, but after watching the video I felt compelled to do so. But after receiving a link from an anonymous commenter this morning, I began to question the ethics of the charity. I believe in bringing Kony to justice, but I can no longer support that charity in particular.
Here's a few more articles for and against the charity if this is of interest to you.

Now I shall go back to my usual rambling crafty ways.

1 comment:

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

It definitely turned out to be quite the controversy. I felt a bit silly for getting swept up in it actually, and to be honest I'm still not sure where I stand or what I believe. All very confusing, and unfortunately the victims usually get lost in the politics, bureaucracy, corruption and agendas of those with power. This is something that I've unfortunately seen constantly working in the Australian not-for-profit sector over the last 16 years, not just something that happens in the developing world. Anyway, perhaps the film has succeeded in getting the issue on the agenda and into the spotlight, and that might lead to some form of outcome.

Have a lovely weekend Kitty.

PS. Can't believe how much Huckle looks like you. He does look like a super sweet little boy.