Ok, so a month ago Wanda looked like this. I can't believe the difference already.
It was a terrible fit out and not worth salvaging, so we ripped out the lot.
We've boosted the local tip economy and passed on other things that were moderately worth while.
I'm not feeling particularly eloquent at the moment (I blame the months of very little sleep), so here's a list of what's been happening and what is to come.
:: cut off her unsightly bull bar, no more braces for you Wanda
:: cleaned 10 years of dirt, grime and what-have-you off the roof
:: cleaned out all the stuff that the previous owners had left behind (Some really questionable stuff too! I don't really want to talk about it thanks. Pretty sure I'm scarred.)
:: disappeared all cabinets, walls, beds, shower and banquette
:: ripped up, scraped off, fought to the almost death with the vinyl tiles... gone! see you later vinyl tiles!
:: battled the horrible glue beneath the tiles, that almost ripped your foot off if you happened to walk upon it with thongs on, that then clung onto that thong until you pried it off with sheer strength (this is no exaggeration! there were cursives)
:: scraped the layers of black paint that resided on most of the windows. I won't ever get those hours back, but boy it sure looks a lot nicer now
:: ripped down the weird contact-y sort of stuff that was stuck to the ceiling on the right hand side
:: still trying to figure out a way to remove the ticky tacky can't be removed glue that held up the weird contact-y sort of stuff... we're working on it
:: cut a huge hole in the rear of the bus to increase boot space
:: welded in a steel frame to create boot ceiling and queen size bed base
:: draw up final drawings for bunks, kitchen cabinets, banquette and cupboard
:: decided on all paint colours for the interior and exterior, think pale cream, light mint green and teal
:: completed many mad calcs for paint, vinyl flooring, plywood, fabric and foam
That's all I can think of right now. Our next steps are to clad the steel frame, prep the interior and exterior for painting, paint absolutely everywhere until she shines like a diamond, then we'll lay down the vinyl floor.
I'm so excited! If I wasn't so very tired, I'd be doing a jig.
So that's that then. In a few weeks I'll hopefully have a pretty painted Wanda.
I hope all is well in the land of you.
Do you have a crazy big project you're working on too?
Are you getting enough sleep?
I hope so!
Happy Tuesday!
Empty! String across back marking out bed. |
In my finest, contemplating bunk construction. Huckle contemplating 101 uses for a G clamp. |
Explaining how our bed will be built and no, we won't be sleeping in that god awful hole! |
Frame is in! |
Admiring his handywork. It's all square too. |
The sink shall go here. |
Huckle entering the bus on one of his thrice daily inspections. |