Friday 18 December 2009

a little break...

I haven't been around much lately, as you may have noticed. So I've decided to make it official & take a little break over the next few weeks.
Our life is full of ups & downs at the moment. My husband is unwell & I'm putting all my energy & love into looking after him (as well as myself & belly too). The past few weeks have just been exhausting both mentally & physically, so we're both going to lay low & just take it super easy.
Thank you all for your support & reading my blog this past year. It's so wonderful to be a part of this little community.
May the end of this year finish with family, friends & happiness; & may the new year be a beautiful beginning for all your future dreams.


Snooze said...

Taking care of everybody is the most important thing you can do. Have a wonderful break and Christmas and I hope all is bette rin the new year.

Christie said...

Have a great break & I hope the mister is better soon.

Beck said...

Hey Kitty, take care sweetie and I hope all is well soon. Don't forget to look after yourself as well and all the best for the next few weeks xo

Kate said...

Lots of love Kitty! I hope you have the most fabulous new year. XX